Friday 24 August 2012

Key timings on the day...

Not long to go now!

Here are some key timings of our day...  

Nuptual Mass at St Peters starts at 2pm 

Please aim to be in church by about 1.45pm as only 1 person is allowed to be late - but knowing Helen, my lovely bride will probably arrive absolutely on time!    ;o)

Guests who have booked accommodation can arrive from noon if they want to get settled, change etc.

It looks as though it may rain, so look for ushers with huge brollies.

Fear not - "Plan B" allows for the rest of the day to be completely inside and away from any inclement weather.

Mass finishes at just after 3pm.

If the weather is fine we will all walk around to the front of college for a group photo. Just follow the sound of the piper...

Drinks will be in the "Top Ref" until about 4.15pm before moving down the main corridor to the Ambulacrum.

Drinks and starters before 5pm

Speeches at about 5pm followed by hog roast buffet (or cheese quiche for vegatablists like me)

Evening snacks will be served from about 9.30pm.

Music and dancing
We have lots of music for you to enjoy:

A spanish guitarist followed by local band "Drop the Floor" until about 10pm

Followed by Tim Flynn's "Large Tunes" disco until after midnight. Small to medium and chillout tunes thereafter.     


Please feel free to take lots of photos and short video clips before and after Mass and well into the night.  You can email these to:

jasonandhelen2012 [at]   *  

* (I have removed the "@" from our email address posted here hopefully to stop those pesky spam robots from sending junk mail)

Or please use the email addresses you already contact us on...

Have fun!
Thank you for sharing our very special day with us.

With love
Jason and Helen.



Wednesday 1 August 2012

Parking and directions within Stonyhurst

As the College grounds are so big, we hope these photos will help those not acquainted with the site...

First, here is an aerial view showing the front entrance from the main road, the main college buildings, St Peter's Church, and also the main car park and entrance reception. (through the "glass doors"):

From the ground, below are visual snapshots - a potted guided tour from the main gates, to St Peter's and on to the car park and reception entrance:

So, from the highway:
This is the view from the main road, down the Avenue through the main gates into Stonyhurst...

At the end of the Avenue, turn RIGHT...

St Peter's Church is be on your left. (There will be 'no parking' road cones along this section)
Then turn LEFT...        

(keeping the Church front entrance on your left)...

... go straight on...
(as per the direction pointed and modelled by the future Mrs Addy...)

You will go through this open gateway...

Almost there...
...carry on for about 100 yards and turn LEFT into the main car park.

If you have booked accommodation, the "glass doors" for the main entrance and reception desk can be found through the central arches. (the right-hand glass door marked "Reception"). Staff will be at the desk and can direct you to your booked rooms.

It's a short walk back to St Peter's Church. (If you have time before our Nuptual Mass at 2pm, enjoy a stroll around the Jesuit Gardens).
Please aim to be in church by 1.45pm.
Only 1 person is allowed to be late on the day!

To recap, here is the aerial photo again:

If you need to ask for directions, please remember that some locals around here talk funny. The way to pronounce "car park" in this part of Lancashire is "Care Perk"    ;o)    

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Directions to Stonyhurst

                               Stonyhurst College and St Peter's Church  c.1905

Please click here for a weblink to the Stonyhurst website for travel directions.

For Satnav users, the postcode is BB7 9PZ.

The nearest town to Stonyhurst is WHALLEY

On a map, the nearest village is HURST GREEN (top left)

There are cheeky little signs on some smaller roads pointing to Stonyhurst via small country roads. Ignore them as they will lead to madness (and the back entrances to College are currently closed).

It is best to drive through HURST GREEN village.
You will know you are going in the right direction when you see the War Memorial off the main road in between the Shireburn Arms and Eagle and Child pub.

Drive down the road to Stonyhurst (keeping the Bailey Arms and Village Hall on your right hand side).
At the end of the village, you will see the entrance to College grounds (and ironically, road signs allowing you to go at the full national speed limit!).

After about 200 yards the road bends to the right and you will see the College in the distance.
If you have not been on this road before, you may experience a "Brideshead Revisited" moment.    

Here is a weblink to a Googlemap 

After driving down the main avenue, and through the main gates, there is ample parking at the college and close to St Peter's Church (see next blog entry "directions and parking within Stonyhurst").

Any questions, please email us.

Jason and Helen

Monday 23 July 2012

Wedding list...?

Put simply, we don't have a wedding list.

On our special day, we look forward to your presence rather than presents.

(For those who know Jason will understand our need to de-clutter before we begin married life!)

However, we aim to renovate/build a home... so if you would like to sponsor a door, some tiles, bricks, nails, paint or timber etc, we would be very grateful (in the weeks to come, when we find the items we need, your names will be written on our handywork for posterity!)

Many thanks and love
Helen and Jason

To illustrate the idea, here are the sorts of things we will be using in the months to come...we don't know precisely what we need yet, so any Bank of England vouchers would be gratefully received...